Foster A Pet
Frequently Asked QuestionsWhat does it mean to foster an animal?As a foster parent, you are essentially offering an animal an alternative to taking their chances in the already crowded open-admission shelter or living outside by providing them a safe, comfortable place to live until he or she is adopted. Foster parents are responsible for caring for their foster animals' every day needs, much like they would their own pet. How long will I have the animal?The length in which a foster family will have an animal in their care is very much dependent on that animal's needs as well as the level of marketing the foster family decides to do for him/her. Animal Allies provides adoption events that foster parents can bring their animals to so that potential adopters can meet. There are a number of other ways to market an adoptable pet. Animal Allies utilizes our website and AdoptAPet to promote adoptables. Foster parents are also encouraged to use social media websites such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to spread the word about their current foster pets. Websites such a are a great way to spark interest from the public as well. I have animals of my own, how do I keep them safe?All foster cats and kittens must be kept indoors. A small room that is separate from the rest of your living space, such as a bathroom, is the perfect place for them. So even if you have pets of your own, you can still take in kittens and give them the chance they deserve. Sick or injured animals may or may not need to be kept separate from other pets in the house; an Animal Allies volunteer can tell you about animals’ specific needs and precautions you’ll need to take to keep your pets healthy and safe. What do I have to provide?Foster parents are responsible for providing the basics: food, water, a litter box, litter, bedding and toys. If you need help with the start-up supplies, please ask; we have donations we can provide to you. Daily care required for foster kittens depends on their age. Animal Allies will take care of all the medical care. We also ask that you provide lots of LOVE and attention. How do I get started if I want to foster an animal?Just fill out this form and you will be contacted shortly by an Animal Allies volunteer. We will help you find an animal who suits your needs, abilities, and lifestyle. There are always animals who need foster care. I can't foster, is there anything else I can do?Absolutely! We have many volunteer opportunities for individuals eager to help homeless animals. Click here to complete our volunteer application, and you will be contacted promptly with information on how to get started. |